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Nyitott Kör Egyesület (Hungary)

The concept of our work

The name of the organization can be translated as “Open Circle Association”. Our main field of work is Theatre in Education, which is a participatory theatre methodology. We develop interactive theatre programs for children and young people, and training opportunities for adults. During the recent years we have been researching the possible adaptations of Theatre in Education methods for and with adult groups. We would like contribute to people’s mental wellness and self-development by providing space, time and frame for meaningful sharing and experiential learning. Individual learning paths are important in our work, while we construct “commonly lived” experiences for/with the participants. Community building is an indirect impact of our activities, while we would like to strengthen the sense of community in people’s lives. We use tools of drama, theatre and critical pedagogy in our activities, and adapt many other tools, always depending on the aim and focus of the activities. We have also been developing follow up and feedback methods based on already existing ones for the aim of assisting people to express their needs, thoughts and feelings about a certain process. We consider people’s perception of safety crucial, therefore we always put a strong emphasis on the creation of ‘safe space’, where the individual can step in and learn.

Our target groups

On a daily basis we work with one school class at a time. The classes come from very diverse sociocultural backgrounds. We meet students from private schools, children from religious schools and we also meet pupils from the least developed regions. Sometimes we work with classes that count with students with special needs (eg. physical disability, visually impaired, hearing impaired, at risk of early school leaving, etc.).

On a project base we work with adults with specials needs, young people with migrant backgrounds, teachers’ groups, and European young people participating in long term volunteering programs. We consider these target groups being vulnerable groups, as their situation is special in society and their wellbeing is at risk for certain reasons.

Offering training opportunities for interested professionals of education and/or drama also plays an important role in our strategy.

The process of our activities: Play. Act. Explore.

We consider our work a process of Game-Theater-Exploration, which guides the participants through an experiential activity, focusing on a particular social problem and a human story, in a safe zone. We enter into a game together that emerges to be a performative act about humanity, through which contextual learning happens, and there is opportunity for reflection. Many times the form of expression is through a creative act.

Our main activities

  • Theater in Education (TiE)
  • Drama in Education (DiE)
  • Trainings/workshops for community and skill building
  • Trainings for teachers, youth workers, facilitators
  • Thematic events and camps with youth groups
  • Applied theatre projects with international volunteers and aspiring youth workers

Website of the partner

Contact details of the partner

Address: Jurányi street 1-3, Budapest, HU-1027, Hungary
Phone number: +36/70/9449982
e-mail: training@nyitottkor.hu

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