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Step Up final conference

On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, Equal Society held the Final Conference of the Step Up project "Establishment of a transnational network of adult education providers for the promotion of social inclusion of vulnerable groups" which is co-funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union. 

The final conference started with a greeting from Ms. Katerina Gagaki, Deputy Mayor of Social Solidarity and Civil Society of the Municipality of Athens, who emphasized the importance of culture in social integration and expressed the intention of the Municipality of Athens to incorporate good practices in this direction.

Then the partners of the program took the floor: Equal Society, Nyitott Kör Egyesület, Utopia, Centro Social de Soutelo, Teatr Grodzki and Espacio Rojo.

During the conference, the pilot action of the project implemented in 6 countries (Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Hungary and Turkey) by the consortium partners; the toolbox of good practices; the manual on how the artistic and cultural activities, with the participation of vulnerable groups, should be designed and implemented; and the policy recommendation report for the implementation of artistic and cultural activities to promote the social inclusion of vulnerable groups were presented.

This was followed by presentations about the educational activities implemented in the context of the project, aiming at the empowerment of professionals and representatives of public and private organizations active in the field of social inclusion of vulnerable groups.

The conference closed with the presentation of the communication tools used to disseminate the results of the project, and with the presentation of the results of the measurement of the social impact of the project.

The consortium partners hope that the results of the Step Up project will strengthen the dialogue on how artistic and cultural actions can be used, as educational tools, to empower and promote the social inclusion of vulnerable groups.